Welcome to my new line of professional-grade setups. The Mythic Towny. This setup 1.19 NATIVE, meaning all 1.19 blocks, items, and mobs are completely usable in-game. With quick updates to the newest version of Minecraft. This is a professional grade setup built to handle lots of players efficiently and smoothly. This setup is updated bi-weekly for balancing and new features at the end of each month.


This plugin, also known as MythicFishing creates a unique area at spawn where players rank Cook+ can go fishing in this area has a chance to catch some unique drops. This only applies to this area of spawn and is a great way to bring in community engagement and encourage players to rank up.

This is one of the main features of the setup and a large reason why this server can keep your players enjoying the server for hours past when vanilla would get boring. Players can progress through various ranks with a combination of playtime and money requirements. These ranks give various perks to the player such as more homes, unique warps, and much more.
View All Player Ranks Here

This setup comes packed with 5 preconfigured donor ranks. Crab, Guppie, Turtle, Sting Ray, and Shark are all ready to go and integrate perfectly with the player ranks. Each rank comes with its own unique perks that allow players to unique gameplay aspects that would not be possible for normal players to achieve.
View All Donor Perks Here

This server has 6 built-in staff ranks Helper, Mod, Admin, Head Admin, Manager, and Owner. Each of the ranks have different preconfigured permissions in order to make sure new staff members are not able to abuse their power.
View All Staff Perks Here

Players receive tokens primarily through killing mobs on the server, these tokens can then be used to purchase unique items in the shop. Players with hunter rank or higher can purchase the third row of items, incentivizing players to rank up and allowing them to gain access to items normal players could not.

Money pouches can be received from crates or given to players through commands. These generate a random amount of money between two set intervals depending on the tier and award it to the player.

The shop is part of the bi-weekly updates and is updated often with unique prices in order to keep the balancing of servers consistent and fun to play on. If an item is either too cheap or too expensive expect it to be fixed in the next balancing update. This shop includes all-new blocks so players can get right into enjoying the new version.

Help Menu
The help menu /help is a great way for new players to get to know your server and what amazing features they offer. Items in the help menu are clickable to get players where they want to go.

Warp Menu
This warp menu allows players to quickly get places around the server by just clicking on where they want to go.

Kit Menu
The kit menu automatically updates to show players what kits are available and how long of a delay they have. Other player kits coming soon in an upcoming update.

Baltop Menu
This menu creates some competition between the players in order to encourage players to play and spend time grinding on the server.

There are a total of 8 crates for the setup. Vote, Common, Rare, Epic, Mythical, Legendary, and Cosmetic. These crates increase in value and give players unique items they can't get anywhere else. The eighth crate is a spawner crate that gives players a random spawner.

If the majority of players sleep, the server will automatically skip to the next day, the percentage of players needed to sleep is configurable.

Pets are given to players with each rank up. Pets can be unlocked with crates or given to players with commands.

There are a bunch of quests that players can opt in to for various rewards and unique perks.

Jobs can be picked up by players to help earn extra money while doing normal day-to-day activities. More jobs are being added soon in a future update.

Players can set their own warps that other players are able to access, combined with the built-in chest shops allow players to help set the baseline for the economy and allow the server to evolve.

By default, the server has an anti-cheat installed that will block players from all major types of hacks to keep it fair from all players. Staff will be alerted of any hacking.

Arts, Sneak Peek: This allows your players to create various types of art directly in-game and put them up anywhere they want in their base.

This setup is constantly evolving with new features, balancing, and minor bug fixes bi-weekly. At the end of the month, new features will be pushed to the setup, this will allow your server to consistently be changing with new stuff to do to keep your players involved.

We offer extensive support for free. If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me on Discord.PremiereSetups.com. We have an amazing support team ready to help you anytime!
Author BananaFoxBoi Downloads 0 Views 1 First release 4 minutes ago Last update 4 minutes ago Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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