Tabster | Настраиваемый контроллер команд

ЛУЧШИЙ РЕСУРС Tabster | Настраиваемый контроллер команд 1.0.0

  • Майская распродажа!

    Впереди теплые праздники, цены таят на глазах! Поздравляем вас и дарим вам специальный купон.
    Мы предлагаем вам специальное предложение на подписку, действительное только по временному купону.
    Обнови свой сервер с лучшими сборками, плагинами и картами!

  • Мы теперь в Discord

    Мы рады объявить, что теперь у нас есть сервер Discord. В честь этого мы проводим розыгрыш!
    Теперь вы можете легко связаться с нами и другими участниками сообщества,
    обмениваться идеями и получать обновления о нашей деятельности.


    Гость, покупая подписку, ты увеличишь свои доходы в разы!
    Мы делаем самые актуальные сборки, переводим лучшие приватные плагины, а так-же обновляем их и фиксим любые ошибки.
    Дешевле, чем студии и другие разработчики!

  • Приветствуем тебя Гость!⁣

    Недавно на форуме? Не знаешь как можно скачивать ресурсы?
    Для этого нужно лишь зарегистрировать на форуме, и получать доступ к профессиональным плагинам, оптимизированным настройкам.
    Здесь только самое лучшее.

  • Обновленный «»

    Теперь у вас есть возможность продавать свои товары на Minecraft маркете.
    Это отличная возможность для вас начать зарабатывать на своих навыках и труде.
    Начни продавать сейчас!

  • Интеграция ChatGPT

    Администраторы Minecraft могут столкнуться с различными проблемами, связанными с работой серверов и кодом.
    Однако, благодаря инновационным технологиям, искусственный интеллект может помочь решить эти проблемы.
    Реши свою любую проблему сейчас!

Поддерживаемые версии
  1. 1.16
  2. 1.17
  3. 1.18
  4. 1.19
  5. 1.20
  6. 1.21




# 0 - Standard information
# 1 - Debug mode
# 2 - Debug mode but with much more information
log-level: 0
# This option allows you to disable or enable the update checker, which checks
# for updates every hour.
update-checker: true
# This option allows you to disable or enable the use of the command filtering
# system, which allows you to filter commands.
allow-command-filtering: true
# This option allows you to disable or enable the use of the tab complete filtering
# system, which allows you to filter completions.
allow-tab-complete-filtering: true

# In this section, you can switch the plugin's behavior mode, which
# can impact its performance and usage of resources.
#  true - enabled
#  false - disabled
  caching: true
# Set 'found-blocked-command: null' to disable the message
found-blocked-command: " <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>We found this command in another group which you can access using <gray>{groupRequirement} group"
  wrong-syntax: " <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>You used the command <red>incorrectly."
  unknown-command: " <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>You used a command that <red>doesn't <white>exist."
  error-occurred: "An error occurred while executing the command."
  missing-argument: " <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>You did not <red>specify the required argument <white>to execute the command."
  player-not-found: " <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>User <gray>{playerName} <white>not found."
    description: "Reloads the plugin configuration"
    reloaded-successfully: " <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>Configs were successfully reloaded"
    description: "Help command"
    command-format: "  <yellow>{command}<gray>{subCommand} <dark_gray>- <white>{description}"
      - " "
      - " <green><bold>Command help <reset><gray>[List of commands]"
      - "{commands}"
      - " "
    description: "Force updates players information."
    updated-successfully: " <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>Player information <green>updated <white>successfully."
    description: "Shows player information."
    group-format: "<green><hover:show_text:'<white>{groupCommandCount}</white>'>{groupName}</hover></green>"
    group-format-separator: "<green>, </green>"
      - " "
      - " <green><bold>Player information <reset><gray>[{playerName}]"
      - "  <white>Username: <aqua>{username}"
      - "  <white>UUID: <gray>{uuid}"
      - "  <white>Server: <gray>{serverName}"
      - " "
      - "  <white>Allowed groups: "
      - "  {allowedGroups}"
      - " "
# command: allows you to change the command and its aliases by printing all
# aliases separated by | symbol.
# permission: needed right for player/staff to use this specific command and
# aliases. You can leave it empty to disable it.
# syntax: this parameter is printed if the command is used incorrectly.
# enabled: almost all commands can be enabled or disabled with this option.

  sub-command: "reload|rl"
  permission: "tabster.admin"
  enabled: true
  command: "tabster"
  permission: "tabster.player"
  sub-command: "update|forceupdate"
  permission: "tabster.command.update"
  syntax: "[player]"
  enabled: true
  sub-command: "info|i"
  permission: ""
  syntax: "[player]"
  enabled: true
# Here you can enable or disable all groups in this file.
# enabled: false
# Here you can add groups
# groups:
#  The id option plays the role of a unique identifier, so don't write the same value for more than 1 group.
#  - id: "player"
#    Here you can specify all commands that you want to filter.
#    commands:
#      Command option allows you to specify the command and its subcommands.
#      You can use here wildcards like * and -. The - symbol is used to specify
#      the limit of the command's subcommands.
#      - command: "version"
#        In type you have to specify how the command will be filtered.
#        Available values:
#          - BLACKLIST  : blocks the command
#          - WHITELIST  : allows the command
#          - INHERIT    : inherits type from group
#        type: INHERIT
#    Here you can specify all commands that you want to filter in tab-complete.
#    tab-complete:
#      You can specify only the command and not its subcommands.
#      - command: "version"
#        In type you have to specify how the command completion will be filtered.
#        Available values:
#          - BLACKLIST  : blocks the completion
#          - WHITELIST  : allows the completion
#          - INHERIT    : inherits type from group
#        type: INHERIT
#    Here you can specify the type of the group.
#    Available values:
#      - BLACKLIST  : allows all commands and blocks only the specified ones
#      - WHITELIST  : blocks all commands and allows only the specified ones
#    type: WHITELIST
#    Priority option allows you to specify the priority of the group.
#    The higher the value, the higher the priority.
#    priority: 0
#    Here you can specify the requirements for using this group.
#    requirements:
#      Disable the requirements here if you don't want to use them.
#      This will greatly increase the performance of the plugin.
#      enabled: true
#      Set to "" to disable the permission requirement.
#      permission: ""
#      Here you can specify the servers on which the group will be active.
#      You can use * symbol for specifying servers. Example: Lobby-*
#      allowed-servers:
#        - "*"
#      This option controls how the extended groups are handled.
#      When set to true, all extended groups are checked for requirements
#      only extended groups that meet the requirements are used.
#      requirement-extend: true
#      This text is displayed in a message that indicates where the command can be used.
#      request: "Player"
#    messages:
#      Here you can specify the messages that will be displayed when the command is blocked.
#      command-blocked: "<gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>Command <red>/{command}</red> is not allowed"
#    Here you can specify the groups that will be extended.
#    extends-groups: []

enabled: true
  - id: "player"
      - command: "version"
        type: INHERIT
      - command: "version * -"
        type: INHERIT
      - command: "version test* -"
        type: INHERIT
      - command: "version"
        type: INHERIT
    type: WHITELIST
    priority: 0
      enabled: true
      permission: ""
        - "*"
      requirement-extend: true
      request: "Player"
      command-blocked: "<hover:show_text:{groupId}> <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>Command <red>/{command}</red> is not allowed</hover>"
    extends-groups: []
  - id: "admin"
      - command: "tabster * * -"
        type: INHERIT
      - command: "tabster * * -"
        type: INHERIT
    type: WHITELIST
    priority: 0
      enabled: true
      permission: "tabster.admin"
        - "*"
      requirement-extend: true
      request: "Admin"
      command-blocked: "<hover:show_text:{groupId}> <gold>ᴛᴀʙsᴛᴇʀ <dark_gray>| <white>Command <red>/{command}</red> is not allowed</hover>"
      - "player"

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